Em junho de 2017, o estilista Philipp Plein realizou um desfile de primavera ao lado de carros como Ferraris e Lamborghinis. A Ferrari acionou a justiça pelo uso sem autorização da marca e o estilista foi condenado a pagar 300 mil euros (cerca de R$ 2 milhões) à montadora.

O Tribunal de Milão também condenou Plein a pagar 25 mil euros (R$ 168 mil) para reembolsar os honorários dos advogados da empresa. Em nota, a Ferrari disse que a associação do estilista com os seus carros “mancham a reputação” da marca.

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“As fotos representam um estilo de vida totalmente inconsistente com a percepção da Ferrari, com artistas fazendo insinuações sexuais e usando os carros da Ferrari como adereços de uma maneira desagradável”, diz a empresa.

O estilista ainda foi obrigado a remover de seu site e plataformas de mídia social imagens que mostrem qualquer modelo da Ferrari. No entanto, Plein não parece muito preocupado com novas medidas. Ele já usou seu Instagram para se manifestar após a decisão com uma foto de sua Ferrari.


Ver essa foto no Instagram


The press recently picked up a decision of an ITALIAN court in which the judge ruled that I should pay 300k EURO damages to FERRARI !! This is by no means a final victory of Ferrari!!!! IMPORTANT: This decision is not a final decision !!! This decision was appealed by me and my lawyers ! The next hearing will take place 2021 in Spring ! I will keep on fighting for my rights !!!! At the same time I want to remind everybody that in the beginning Ferrari was claiming damages for a total of 2 MIO Euro !!!!!!!! I love cars and I still like the brand FERRARI …I bought over the last years 5 brand new FERRARIS ..3 for myself,one for my mother and just recently another one for my father ..It’s very amusing to me to see how the current management of FERRARI is keep on trying since more than 3 years to achieve their goals ..until now without any success !!!!!!! Instead of wasting your time and money guys you should agree on donating the requested amount together with me for a good cause ! There are so many people in need…I am willing to accept the latest decision and will not appeal against it, if both parties would agree to donate the amount for a good cause !!!!!! Otherwise let’s keep on spending another 1-2 years fighting for a useless cause !!!!! There are many people out there who are in need of help !!!! I already offered to Ferrari to donate the money to the GEORGE FLOYD trust a couple of month ago , but they did not agree ((( I did a donation in any case without Ferraris agreement and I will keep on donating money to people in need ! I truly believe that the attitude of the current management is going to cause more damages to the brand than it is actually helping…think about it and call me if you want to do something good for other people !!!! 🏎🏎🏎🏎🏎🏎💨💨💨 PS: maybe your management should put the same energy in trying to win in the FORMULA 1 again ! You are burning all that money for nothing 😂 SUCCESS IS MADE BY PEOPLE …OBVIOUSLY YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT PEOPLE RIGHT NOW IN YOUR MANAGEMENT TO DELIVER THE SUCCESS NEEDED TO BE ON TOP!!!! 👋 @ferrari 😘😘❤️❤️WITH LOVE AND DEVOTION FROM ONE OF YOUR MOST LOYAL COSTUMERS ❤️❤️❤️SINCERELY PHILIPP PATRICK HANNES PLEIN

Uma publicação compartilhada por Philipp Plein (@philippplein) em